Prof Ritu Priya

Prof Ritu Priya

Professor, Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health

Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi


M.B.,B.S., Ph.D. (Community Health)

Areas of Interest/Specialization

  1. Public policy formulation and analysis interlinking epidemiology, political economy & health culture
  2. Communicable disease control programmes;
  3. Nutrition & health
  4. Impact of public policies on health of migrant labour, the urban poor and dalit groups
  5. Interdisciplinary health research methodology
  6. Holistic Epidemiology


  1. Faculty member at the Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health, Jawaharlal Nehru University, since 1990.
  2. Advisor, Public Health Planning at the National Health Systems Resource Centre (National Rural Health Mission, Min. of H & FW, GOI) on deputation, 2008 & 2009.

International Collaboration/Consultancy

  1. The SITRA Innovations Fellowship granted by the Finnish government for research titled ‘The Construction of a Democratic Welfare State under Globalisation: Lessons from Finnish and Indian Public Policy Processes’, 2008-09. Hosted by the Institute of Development Studies, University of Helsinki.
  2. ‘Review Of Private/Public/NGO Sectors Collaboration Within The TB Care In India’. A state of the art review for the India Office, Department for International Development, Government of Great Britain, July 1997.
  3. Part of the faculty team involved in a project undertaken by the CSMCH on ‘A Critical Review & Documentation of Available Studies on the Private Sector in Health in India for the Ministry of Health’ funded by the WHO, Nov’99-2000. (with Rama Baru & Imrana Qadeer).
  4. Coordinator of one of the three working-groups of an European Union-Funded Project at the CSMCH on ‘Monitoring Impact of SAP on Health in South Asia’. Jan. 2000- Dec. 2004.
  5. Co-coordinator of an Accompanying Measure funded by the European Union, on Methodological Issues in Assessing Impact of SAP on Health in South Asia.
  6. Co-director of a collaborative project on ‘Dialogues on Strategies of AIDS Control in India (South-Asia)’ of the CSMCH, JNU and Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, funded by the Centre for Environment & Development, Finland. 2001-2002.
  7. Principal Investigator of a project study titled ‘A Study on Community Responses to Long Term Illness and Death Among Young Adults: Women’s Experiences and Perceptions in two Low Caste Groups in India’, as part of a multi-country study of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) programme on ‘Community Responses to HIV/AIDS’. 2004-05.
  8. Core Team member of a multi-centric study for preparing a Public Report on Health. Located at the Council for Social Development, New Delhi, funded by the IDRC, 2005-2007.
  9. Organised a Seminar on “Health Technology: Assessment, Choices and IPR Issues” was organized, New Delhi, 14th September 2009, at NHSRC in collaboration with Department for International Development (DFID) and British High Commission].