M.B.,B.S., Ph.D. (Community Health)
Areas of Interest/Specialization
- Public policy formulation and analysis interlinking epidemiology, political economy & health culture
- Communicable disease control programmes;
- Nutrition & health
- Impact of public policies on health of migrant labour, the urban poor and dalit groups
- Interdisciplinary health research methodology
- Holistic Epidemiology
- Faculty member at the Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health, Jawaharlal Nehru University, since 1990.
- Advisor, Public Health Planning at the National Health Systems Resource Centre (National Rural Health Mission, Min. of H & FW, GOI) on deputation, 2008 & 2009.
International Collaboration/Consultancy
- The SITRA Innovations Fellowship granted by the Finnish government for research titled ‘The Construction of a Democratic Welfare State under Globalisation: Lessons from Finnish and Indian Public Policy Processes’, 2008-09. Hosted by the Institute of Development Studies, University of Helsinki.
- ‘Review Of Private/Public/NGO Sectors Collaboration Within The TB Care In India’. A state of the art review for the India Office, Department for International Development, Government of Great Britain, July 1997.
- Part of the faculty team involved in a project undertaken by the CSMCH on ‘A Critical Review & Documentation of Available Studies on the Private Sector in Health in India for the Ministry of Health’ funded by the WHO, Nov’99-2000. (with Rama Baru & Imrana Qadeer).
- Coordinator of one of the three working-groups of an European Union-Funded Project at the CSMCH on ‘Monitoring Impact of SAP on Health in South Asia’. Jan. 2000- Dec. 2004.
- Co-coordinator of an Accompanying Measure funded by the European Union, on Methodological Issues in Assessing Impact of SAP on Health in South Asia.
- Co-director of a collaborative project on ‘Dialogues on Strategies of AIDS Control in India (South-Asia)’ of the CSMCH, JNU and Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, funded by the Centre for Environment & Development, Finland. 2001-2002.
- Principal Investigator of a project study titled ‘A Study on Community Responses to Long Term Illness and Death Among Young Adults: Women’s Experiences and Perceptions in two Low Caste Groups in India’, as part of a multi-country study of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) programme on ‘Community Responses to HIV/AIDS’. 2004-05.
- Core Team member of a multi-centric study for preparing a Public Report on Health. Located at the Council for Social Development, New Delhi, funded by the IDRC, 2005-2007.
- Organised a Seminar on “Health Technology: Assessment, Choices and IPR Issues” was organized, New Delhi, 14th September 2009, at NHSRC in collaboration with Department for International Development (DFID) and British High Commission].